Broiler Starter/Grower Crumble
MainFeeds Broiler Starter/Grower crumbles are formulated to meet the nutrient requirements of meat birds from 1 to 28 days of age.
Feeding Recommendations
MainFeeds Starter/Grower Crumble should be fed ad lib. It can be fed in conjunction with scratch wheat or household scraps. If alternative ingredients are being fed, the amount should not exceed 50% of the diet, otherwise the birds will not be receiving the quantities of protein, vitamins and mineral required for healthy growth.
If the birds are running free range, shutting them up for the last two weeks will allow them to fatten. Do not feed them 24 hours before slaughter.
Self feeders protected from the rain and wind, are a good method of feeding the birds.
It is important to have fresh, clean drinking water available at all times. Place water away from the feed to minimise spillage and dampness.
Grains, grain by-products, plant proteins, animal proteins, animal fats, vegetable oils, minerals, amino acids, a specialised vitamin/trace mineral premix and the coccidiostat Rumensin Mill Mix 20% as an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis.
Rumensin Mill Mix (20% monensin sodium)
Dosage: 1 tonne of complete feed will provide 110g of monensin sodium activity or 1mg of monensin sodium per 100g of feed. Feed broilers continuously as the only ration.
Contraindications: Poultry consuming monensin sodium should not be treated with products containing tiamulin or oleandomycin.
Caution: Do not allow horses or other equines access to formulations containing Rumensin Mill Mix. Ingestion of this product by equines has been fatal.
Withholding Times: Meat Nil, Eggs 10 days.
Rumensin Mill Mix is registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997 No. A9107.
Available in Bulk and 25kg bags.